Mollies Eat Ants

Can Mollies Eat Ants, Bug Bites And Houseflies? A Safety Guide for Fish Owners [Avoid these 4 Insects]

As a fish owner, you may ask if aquatic pets like Mollies (Poecilia sphenops) can safely eat ants and protein-rich insects. This article will analyze the risks of feeding ants and insects to your 2-3 cm mollyfish. Ants and other terrestrial insects contain beneficial nutrients like “protein (18%-25%), fat (7%-12%), and trace minerals”. However, their hard…

Guppy Fish Sleep

Do Guppy Fish Sleep?

Guppy fish’s sleep pattern is different compared to other freshwater fish. Guppies are not bottom-swimming fish. However, you will sometimes see Guppy lying on the bottom of the tank. Do Guppy fish sleep or rest? Recent studies reveal that Guppy aquarium fish enter a sleep-like state despite lacking critical mammalian sleep structures. The Guppy fish…

Facts Of Guppy

15 Facts Of Guppy Fish – Lifespan, Temperature, Feeding, And Hidden Facts

Guppies are a famous fish breed among fish keepers, and they are easy to keep in the tank, feeding and breeding. They have unique colors, body features, and characteristics. In this article, you can find 15 facts about Guppy fish, which helps to increase your knowledge of guppies. Guppy Fish Size The standard Guppy fish…