Zebra Danios Tankmates
Zebra danios can live with many fish breeds without significant problems. So you can house them with smaller fish breeds and some giant fish breeds too. Zebra Danios are good tankmates and live peacefully with others.

Table of Contents
- The Colorful and Lively Guppy Fish: An Ideal Tankmate for Zebra Danios
- Corydoras Catfish: The Perfect Aquarium Janitors for Cleaning a Zebra Danios Tank
- Angelfish: Cautious Tankmates for Zebra Danios if Given Ample Space
- Bristlenose Plecos: Cleaning Machines for the Zebra Danios Aquarium
- Dazzling Harlequin Rasboras: The Perfect Schooling Tankmate for Zebra Danios
- Platy Fish: Hardy and Colorful Tankmates for a Zebra Danios Aquarium
- Lively Swordtail Fish: Brilliantly Colored Companions for Zebra Danios
- Kuhli Loaches: The Subterranean Cleanup Crew for Zebra Danios Tanks
- Conclusion
The Colorful and Lively Guppy Fish: An Ideal Tankmate for Zebra Danios
With their endless variety of vibrant colors and lively activity, guppy fish is one of the most popular freshwater choices for aquarists of all levels. Their peaceful temperament and modest care need also make them a perfect tank companion for Zebra Danios.

Guppies, known scientifically as Poecilia Reticulata, originate from northeast South America. Over the centuries, selective breeding has produced an astonishing range of patterns, colors, and tail shapes. Their boundless genetic diversity allows endless unique strains.
Guppies stay under 2 inches in size in the home aquarium and do well in 10+ gallon planted tanks with subdued lighting. They prefer water on the hard and alkaline side. As omnivores, they eagerly accept flakes, live foods like brine shrimp, and spirulina-enriched pellets.
Male guppies display elaborate fins for mating displays, while females show a plumper body shape, especially when gravid. Though prolific breeders, they are gentle community tank residents. Their vibrant activity provides constant interest without disrupting tankmates like Zebra Danios.
With minimal care needs, endless variety, and peaceful temperaments, guppy fish make excellent additions to planted community tanks. Their colors and motions perfectly complement schooling fish like Zebra Danios.
Corydoras Catfish: The Perfect Aquarium Janitors for Cleaning a Zebra Danios Tank
With over 170 identified species, Corydoras catfish are enormously popular freshwater fish in a dazzling array of sizes, colors, and patterns. Their armored bodies and energetic yet peaceful behaviors make them ideal cleanup crew members in planted community tanks alongside Zebra Danios.

Most corydoras species hail from South America and thrive in soft, acidic water conditions. They grow between 1-3 inches depending on the type and are social fish best kept in groups of at least 4-6 of the same kind. Their barbels help them locate food along the bottom.
In the home aquarium, corydoras catfish spend their time busily scavenging leftover flakes and pellets, mouthful by mouthful. They stir up debris from the gravel, helping distribute nutrients for live plants. At night, they become even more active.
Peaceful by nature, corydoras make excellent tankmates for small, schooling fish like Zebra Danios. They occupy different levels of the tank, leaving the middle and upper areas free for their colorful neighbors. Add a few corydoras to clean the tank bottom while brightening it up!
Angelfish: Cautious Tankmates for Zebra Danios if Given Ample Space
Angelfish are some of the most recognizable and coveted tropical freshwater fish, boasting dramatic fins flowing like gowns. However, their larger size and semi-aggressive nature require care when housing them with small, peaceful fish like Zebra Danios.

Native to South America, angelfish can grow up to 6 inches tall and 8 inches, including fins. Providing at least a 30-gallon tank is critical, with ample hiding spots for Zebra Danios tankmates. Small juveniles are less likely to see the Zebra Danios as prey. Monitor for chasing or nipped fins.
The two fish have different water parameter needs as well. While Zebra Danios prefer very soft, acidic conditions, angelfish do better in slightly alkaline water. Compromise with a pH of around 7.0 – 7.4. Use driftwood and plants to provide cover and subdued lighting.
With size discrepancies and some territorial tendencies, especially during spawning, angelfish must be added judiciously to Zebra Danios tanks. But their sweeping fins and shimmering bodies can beautifully complement the Zebra Danios’ colors. Close observation, large tanks, and plenty of plants can lead to aquarium harmony.
Bristlenose Plecos: Cleaning Machines for the Zebra Danios Aquarium
With their sucking mouthparts and a diet primarily composed of algae, bristlenose plecos are every aquarist’s friend when seeking a natural tank cleaning crew. Their smaller maximum size of 6 inches and peaceful temperament make them ideal tankmates for a bright school of Zebra Danios.

As their name suggests, bristlenose plecos can be easily identified by the bristly protrusions extending from their snouts. Native to South America, they thrive in the same moderately soft, acidic waters preferred by Zebra Danios.
Give your bristlenose pleco ample hiding spots like rock caves and pieces of driftwood, which they will happily rasp on for fiber. Though shy, they will become bolder during feeding time and provide endless entertainment with their sucking actions on surfaces.
Avoid common pleco species, which can grow to 2 feet and disrupt aquarium harmony. But a bristlenose pleco will quietly graze on algae and clean up uneaten food, providing a vital service in exchange for an occasional algae wafer or slice of zucchini.
Dazzling Harlequin Rasboras: The Perfect Schooling Tankmate for Zebra Danios
With their artfully contrasting colors and energetic schooling habits, harlequin rasboras are a fabulous addition to planted community tanks housing Zebra Danios. Their shared behaviors and preferences create endless activity and dazzling displays when combined.
Like Zebra Danios, harlequins hail from flowing streams in Southeast Asia and thrive in soft, acidic freshwater. Growing to around 2 inches, they gain security and exhibit natural behaviors in groups of 6 or more. When comfortable, they display mesmerizing synchronized swimming.

Their elegantly patterned bodies feature a silver-blue base with an eye-catching black triangular patch near the tail. This simple yet striking color combo pops against the vivid reds and blues of Zebra Danios.
Peaceful by nature, harlequins inhabit the middle tank areas, rarely interfering with bottom dwellers or surface species. They blend seamlessly into community aquariums, adding gorgeous contrasting motions. Their schooling provides additional interest and activity when paired with Zebra Danios.
Harlequin rasboras are the quintessential companion for Zebra Danios. They create a kaleidoscope of coordinated color, movement, and grace.
Platy Fish: Hardy and Colorful Tankmates for a Zebra Danios Aquarium
With a limitless variety in colors, patterns, and tail shapes, platyfish is a common starter fish for beginner aquarists. But their beauty, hardiness, and peaceful demeanor continue to make them a popular choice even for seasoned hobbyists seeking the perfect tankmates for Zebra Danios.
Generally, they Grow up to 3 inches long, and platies thrive in planted tanks 10 gallons or more in size. They are adaptable to a wide range of water conditions, including pH and hardness. Originating from Central America, they prefer water on the hard side with some salt.

Male platies are smaller and slimmer than females. When breeding, the females’ abdomens will swell dramatically with fry. But they rarely disturb tankmates, even during spawning. Fry can be left or removed as desired.
The dazzling colors and variety of platyfish complement Zebra Danios perfectly. Reds, oranges, yellows, blues, and purples create a rainbow of peaceful activity. Combine a few peaceful platy fish with a school of Zebra Danios for endless visual excitement! Just be prepared to provide some population control.
Lively Swordtail Fish: Brilliantly Colored Companions for Zebra Danios
With males boasting elongated, sword-like tail fins ranging up to 6 inches in mature adults, swordtail fish add phenomenal visual drama to any freshwater community aquarium. Luckily, their bold good looks are matched by an easygoing temperament that allows harmonious cohabitation with Zebra Danios.
Like their platy cousins, swordtails originate from Central America, where they occupy a variety of habitats. Hardy and adaptable, they flourish in moderately hard water within a wide pH range. Planted tanks 15 gallons or larger suit them well.

Male swordtails showcase a bigger, more elongated tail fin and a streamlined body shape compared to plumper females. They peacefully coexist with most small tankmates. Fry may need to be culled to control prolific breeding.
The graceful flowing fins of swordtails perfectly complement brightly colored Zebra Danios and rasboras. Their wide repertoire of color patterns, including spotted, marbled, and solid varieties, provides endless options. Just be sure to provide an open swimming room so they can show off their flashy fins in motion!
Kuhli Loaches: The Subterranean Cleanup Crew for Zebra Danios Tanks
With an elongated, eel-like body marked by mesmerizing black stripes, Kuhli loaches make fascinating additions to planted aquariums with their shy, secretive, bottom-dwelling lifestyle. Though seldom seen during the day, their after-hours scavenging provides vital cleanup services.

Kuhli loaches inhabit fast-flowing streams across Southeast Asia. They thrive in the same moderately soft, acidic water preferred by Zebra Danios. A fine sandy substrate allows them to burrow and hide. Plenty of driftwood, rock crevices, and aquarium caves give them refuge.
Most active after lights out, Kuhli loaches emerge under cover of darkness to forage leftover foods and debris missed by other fish. Their sensory barbels help them locate food. Peaceful by nature, they rarely bother tankmates.
Adding a small group of 3-5 Kuhli loaches to a Zebra Danios tank helps keep the bottom spotless. They find uneaten bits neglected by Zebra Danios and surface feeders. In exchange, they need sinking foods and plenty of hiding spots in a shared tank to feel secure.
Selecting tankmates for Zebra Danios requires research and prudence. But the payoff is a mesmerizing aquarium filled with flashes of vibrant color, synchronized motions, and compatible behaviors. Take the time to choose suitable companions, and enjoy your created aquatic masterpiece.