Longfin Mocha Clownfish Aquarium Setup, Care, And Maintenance

Introduction to Longfin Mocha Clownfish

The Longfin Mocha Clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris) is a stunning and unique variation of the popular clownfish species, known for its distinctive long fins and rich mocha coloration. These fish have become a favorite among aquarium enthusiasts due to their captivating appearance, hardy nature, and relatively easy care requirements. Originally bred for their unique traits, Longfin Mocha Clownfish are now widely available in the aquarium trade and make an excellent addition to both beginner and advanced hobbyist tanks.

Longfin Mocha Clownfish

Table of Contents


The Longfin Mocha Clownfish is easily recognizable due to its extended fins and rich, dark brown coloration, which contrasts beautifully with its white stripes. These fins, often described as elegant and flowing, give the fish a graceful appearance as it swims through the water. The body color ranges from a deep chocolate brown to a lighter mocha shade, and this color intensifies with age. The three vertical white stripes one just behind the head, another in the middle of the body, and a third near the tail are sharply defined and add to the fish’s striking look. Additionally, the eyes of the Longfin Mocha Clownfish are bright and expressive, contributing to their overall appeal.

Average Size

Longfin Mocha Clownfish are relatively small, typically reaching an adult size of about 3 to 4 inches (7.5 to 10 cm). Males are usually slightly smaller than females, which is common among clownfish species. Their compact size makes them suitable for a variety of tank sizes, from small home aquariums to larger, community setups.


With proper care, Longfin Mocha Clownfish can live for 5 to 10 years in captivity, and some have been known to live even longer. Their longevity depends on factors such as water quality, diet, and overall tank conditions. Providing a stable and well-maintained environment is crucial for maximizing their lifespan.

Habitat and Aquarium Setup

Longfin Mocha Clownfish Aquarium Setup

Habitat and Natural Environment

In the wild, clownfish are typically found in the warm, shallow waters of the Indo-Pacific region, particularly around coral reefs and anemones. The Longfin Mocha Clownfish, being a captive-bred variant, does not have a natural wild habitat but shares similar environmental needs with its wild relatives. They thrive in a reef-like aquarium setting that mimics their natural surroundings, providing plenty of hiding spots and stable water conditions.

Tank Size

A minimum tank size of 20 gallons (75 liters) is recommended for a single Longfin Mocha Clownfish. If you plan to keep a pair or add other tank mates, a larger aquarium is advisable. For a community setup, consider a tank size of at least 30 to 40 gallons (113 to 151 liters) to provide adequate space and reduce territorial behavior.

Water Parameters

Maintaining optimal water parameters is crucial for the health of Longfin Mocha Clownfish. The ideal water conditions are:

  • Temperature: 75-82°F (24-28°C)
  • pH: 8.1-8.4
  • Specific Gravity: 1.020-1.025
  • Ammonia and Nitrite: 0 ppm
  • Nitrate: <20 ppm

Regular water testing and adjustments are necessary to ensure these parameters remain stable.

Setting Up the Aquarium for Longfin Mocha Clownfish

Creating a suitable environment for Longfin Mocha Clownfish involves replicating a reef-like setting. This includes adding live rock, coral, and other decorations to provide hiding spots and encourage natural behaviors. Anemones, although not necessary, can be a beneficial addition as clownfish have a symbiotic relationship with these invertebrates. If you choose to add anemones, ensure they are compatible with your tank’s lighting and water conditions.

Aquarium Decor and Hiding Spots

Decorate the aquarium with live rock structures and caves to provide ample hiding spots for your clownfish. These structures not only offer shelter but also help maintain water quality by hosting beneficial bacteria. Avoid sharp or abrasive decorations that could damage the delicate fins of the Longfin Mocha Clownfish. Soft corals, macroalgae, and marine plants can also enhance the tank’s aesthetics and provide additional hiding places.

Filtration and Water Flow

Efficient filtration is essential for maintaining water quality in a marine aquarium. A high-quality protein skimmer can help remove organic waste, while mechanical and biological filters ensure the water remains clean and free of harmful substances. Moderate water flow is preferred, mimicking the gentle currents of a coral reef. Avoid strong currents that can stress the Longfin Mocha Clownfish, particularly given their long fins.

Care and Maintenance

Longfin Mocha Clownfish care and tank mates

Common Possible Diseases

Like all marine fish, Longfin Mocha Clownfish are susceptible to various diseases, including:

  • Marine Ich (Cryptocaryon irritans): A parasitic infection causing white spots on the body and fins. Treatment involves copper-based medications or hyposalinity.
  • Brooklynella: Also known as clownfish disease, this protozoan infection causes excessive mucus production and respiratory distress. Formalin baths and improved water conditions are common treatments.
  • Fin Rot: A bacterial infection that affects the fins, particularly problematic for long-finned varieties. Antibiotic treatments and maintaining pristine water conditions can help prevent and treat this disease.

Regular observation and prompt treatment of any signs of illness are crucial for keeping your clownfish healthy.

Food & Diet

Longfin Mocha Clownfish are omnivorous and have a varied diet in captivity. A well-balanced diet should include:

  • High-quality marine flakes or pellets
  • Frozen or live foods such as brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, and krill
  • Occasional treats of chopped seafood like squid, shrimp, or clams
  • Algae-based foods or vegetable matter

Feeding small amounts several times a day is better than one large feeding, ensuring all food is consumed and not left to decay in the tank.

Temperament & Behavior

Longfin Mocha Clownfish are known for their generally peaceful nature, though they can exhibit territorial behavior, particularly towards their own species or similar-looking fish. They are hardy and adaptable, making them suitable for both community tanks and species-specific setups. Clownfish are also known for their fascinating behaviors, such as their unique swimming patterns and symbiotic relationship with anemones.

Tank Mates

When selecting tank mates for Longfin Mocha Clownfish, consider species that are peaceful and compatible with their size and temperament. Suitable tank mates include:

Avoid aggressive or significantly larger fish that might bully or stress the clownfish.

Cleaning and Maintenance

Regular maintenance is essential for the health of your Longfin Mocha Clownfish and the overall aquarium ecosystem. Key maintenance tasks include:

  • Performing weekly water changes of 10-20% to maintain water quality
  • Testing water parameters regularly and adjusting as needed
  • Cleaning the substrate and removing uneaten food or debris
  • Checking and cleaning filtration equipment to ensure proper functioning
  • Observing fish behavior and health daily to catch and address any issues early

A well-maintained aquarium not only keeps your Longfin Mocha Clownfish healthy but also enhances their vibrant colors and natural behaviors.

In summary, Longfin Mocha Clownfish are a captivating and manageable species for both novice and experienced aquarists. With their unique appearance, hardy nature, and fascinating behaviors, they make a wonderful addition to any marine aquarium. By providing the appropriate tank conditions, diet, and regular maintenance, you can enjoy the beauty and charm of these remarkable fish for many years.

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