Zebra Danio with Guppy Fry

The Dangers of Housing Zebra Danio with Guppy Fry [Risks & 6 Solutions]

Zebra Danio thrives in community tanks and gets along well with guppies. Their small size and timid nature mean they won’t nip fins or chase tank mates. Plus, both require similar water conditions like soft, acidic water and temperatures around 75°F, making them ideal tank mates. However, there is one major exception to their harmonious…

Danios Filter System

Do Zebra Danios Need Filter System? The Critical Role of Filtration in Maintaining a Healthy Aquarium

Zebra Danios are one of the most popular freshwater fish for home aquariums due to their dazzling colors and energetic schooling behaviors. Their tiny size and remarkable vibrance make them particularly sensitive to water conditions. When preparing a new tank for these tropical beauties, setting up proper filtration is crucial. Zebra Danios hail from slow-moving,…

Tank Size for Danios School

Providing the Perfect Tank Size for Your Zebra Danios School

Zebra Danios are among the most active and popular freshwater fish for home aquariums. If you’re preparing to welcome these bright beauties into your tank, researching how to best care for them is crucial. When it comes to habitat, few factors are as important as providing an adequately sized tank. In the wild, Zebra Danios…