Can we keep a Black ghost knife fish with a betta fish? [5 Tips]
Can we keep a Black ghost knife fish with a betta fish? It is not recommended to put these two fish together because they are found in different regions with varied environmental conditions. Betta is found in Asian countries, and Black ghost knife fish is primarily located in Venezuela and Amazon.

Black ghost knife fish require around 50 to 55-gallon tanks.
Table of Contents
- What to do if your Betta is chasing Black ghost knife fish?
- What Size Tank Is Best to keeping black ghost knife fish With a Betta?
- Can Black ghost knife fish Eat Betta Food?
- Can betta fish kill a black ghost knife?
- What temperature betta fish and black ghost knife need?
What to do if your Betta is chasing Black ghost knife fish?
Certain conditions in the tank cause betta fish to be stressed out. In a significant case, close encounters with other fish make them afraid. As a standard response, the fish try to protect their territory by attacking the other fish.
It is vital to have sufficient space in the tank to offer both types of fish swimming areas.
When two fish stay away from each other, they will encounter less trouble with each other. Also, betta fish would attack other fish, such as black ghosts, when they did not find the food to eat.
It is possible that the fish is hungry and cannot each sufficient food in the tank. Fish may develop anxiety due to hunger, and Betta will start attacking other fish. Betta will try to eat the fins of other fish if there is nothing else to eat.
Apply the following suggestions in the fish tank to offer your fish a comfortable aquarium experience.
- Put the natural plant to create a hiding space.
- Feed the betta fish on time. If needed, get the auto-feeding machine that puts the pallets in every few hours per the set time.
- Use the partition in the tank for a few days, so both the fish will create their territory and not cross the border.
- Shift the fish in a bigger tank. 55 gallon or bigger size tank is recommended. It will offer both the tank sufficient space to swim.
What Size Tank Is Best to keeping black ghost knife fish With a Betta?
Black ghost knife fish grow quickly and occupy good enough space in the tank. Thus, it is recommended that to put the ghost fish in the 100 gallons or bigger tank.

If you place other fish such as Betta in the same tank, you have to ensure that they both have free space to swim, or they will attack each other and develop health problems.
Black ghost knife fish placed in the small size tank make them more aggressive. They are found in the large water body where they get freely swim in a big area.
When they find themselves in a close environment, they start developing anxiety. As a result, they will lose their control and start attacking other fish to expanding their territory.
Also, the Black ghost knife fishmay stop eating, which may have severe health problems.
Can Black ghost knife fish Eat Betta Food?
Yes. Like any other freshwater fish, the Black ghost fish also prefer eating live food. A delicious taste of live food such as “bloodworms, blackworms, brine shrimp, and mosquito larvae” will make them live a healthy life.
You must combine the live food and regular frozen meat foods in your diet to fulfill the nutrition requirement of the fish.
When the fish get sufficient nourishment from their daily meal, their health improves significantly and proliferates. Avoid feeding flake food as black ghost fish may not get entertained with such food.
Betta and Black ghost knife fish can share their food as they are both carnivorous and live healthy lives. So nothing to worry about having them in the same tank eating each other food. You do not have to create a different meal plan for both of them.
Can betta fish kill a black ghost knife?
Betta fish become aggressive when the water condition is not suitable or have trouble sharing the space with other fish. In this case, the Betta will start chasing the black ghost knife and make them develop a fear of betta fish.

Betta may not directly kill them, but they will tear the fins apart and make them Black ghost knife fish develop stress due to survival issues. Over time the growing tension may become a severe health problem, and the fish may die.
Therefore, it is vital to have an eye on both the fish. If any of them are making trouble for other fish, you should take immediate action to protect them.
Usually, betta fish live their life comfortably with other fish. But when the water condition is not suitable, they start developing anxiety. Try to find out why the attacking fish is under stress.
Over time the fish will have trouble living in the aquarium, and you will observe them with their activities in the tank.
When water temperature changes or pH level increases, the fish will start tearing everything they find in the tank. The first target will be the plant. Fish start eating live plants.
When you detect such activities, you should immediately taste the water for temperature and chemicals contain. Changing 25% water will allow the fish to calm down.
How Many Black ghost knife fish Can You Keep with Your Betta?
If you want to keep Betta with a ghost knife, you should prepare the tank to make it comfortable. Multiple black ghost knife fish with other tank mates may make the stress out if there is no enough space. It is recommended to limit the number to two fish per tank.

As the black ghost knife overgrows, there is a high possibility that the fish may proliferate. When the fish find less space in the tank, it will develop aggression in the fish and probably bump each other in the tank while searching for food.
Black ghost knife would have lousy eyesight, so there is a high possibility that the fish will have close encounters frequently if there are too many in the small tank. Even in a large size tank, the fish will find it difficult to find their personal space.
When you put them with betta fish, they will frequently get a close encounter with the betta fish, which may make Betta aggressive.
What temperature betta fish and black ghost knife need?
Black ghost Knife would need a natural environment to survive. It would be best if you controlled the water temperature to make them comfortable. The best “water temperature would be 73.0-82.0°F (22.8°C to 27.8°C), a pH range of 6.0-8.0, and control the hardness between the 5-19 dGH.”
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