Is daphnia good for guppies?
Is daphnia good for guppies? Yes. Daphnia contains a great source of protein (82.6%) and carbohydrates that support the sustainable growth of guppies. It is also filled with vitamin A and D, vital for the guppies.

Table of Contents
- Can guppies eat daphnia?
- Is Daphnia bad for guppies?
- How long will Daphnia live in a guppy tank?
- How to feed daphnia to guppy fish?
- Is dried daphnia good for guppies?
- How much daphnia should I feed guppies?
Can guppies eat daphnia?
Guppies like to eat live food such as daphnia, and they can eat anything they find in the tank. The older guppies can survive on the fish food.
Daphnia would be one of the great sources of protein for the fish.
It will benefit from nutritional food to enhance health. You can feed the guppies with the live daphnia two or three times a week. Daphnia can be purchased in a freeze-dried container from the store.
Depending on your storage facility, you can choose whether to feed them live or frozen food. Remember that the live daphnia would require separate storage facilities if you are willing to keep them for several weeks.
After that, you can raise live food at home and offer fresh food to guppies. Then, Daphnia can eat the algae and bacteria found in the water.
Is Daphnia bad for guppies?
No. Guppies can eat Daphnia without having any negative side effects on their health. Daphnia is known for its high concentrate nutrition content that helps the fish to develop good health.
Daphnia offers a high amount of carbohydrates, protein, and fat, essential for fish growth. It also offers vitamins A and D, which are vital for the guppies fry. And also, eating live food can helps to increase guppy’s body colors.
Without getting sufficient nutrition, the guppies cannot flourish. Therefore, everyday food that contains Daphnia would help the fish to live a healthy life and rapid growth.
Read more : Is egg yolk good for guppies?
Nutrition Content of the Daphnia
Nutrition | Nutrition levels |
Total proteins | 82.5% |
Total lipids | 11% |
Total carotenoids | 6.5% |
How long will Daphnia live in a guppy tank?
The Daphnia may not have a survival chance in the guppy tank as most of the Daphnia would get eaten by the guppies. However, if you make arrangements for the Daphnia in the separate tank, it may live for ten to thirty days.
In some cases, if there is no predator around, the Daphnia will survive around a hundred days. The Daphnia will have ten to twenty periods of growth and may survive longer if you can mimic their natural habit similar to the pond or lake.
Remember that the Daphnia needs clear water for survival. The water with too much waste product, dirt, and chemicals are harmful to the Daphnia.
Is daphnia good for guppy fry?
The guppy fry may like to eat the Daphnia, but it is recommended that you should avoid offering the daphnia to the guppies fry. Most of the Daphnia survive on the bacteria.
They may contain a large number of lethal bacteria which is harmful to the guppy fry.
When the fry is offered the Daphnia as a food, it enters their guts, and the bacteria would take place in the guppy fry body, which may eventually affect the health of the fish.
Guppies fry will eat the daphnia enthusiastically, but it is not suitable food for their growth.
How to feed daphnia to guppy fish?
Food procedures may defer based on the type of Daphnia food. The dry or frozen daphnia can be offered to the guppies directly by putting them in the water.
Spread it in the water evenly so every individual guppy would have time to eat them. Use the feeding net if required. It will hold a large amount of day Daphnia and allow the guppies to eat slowly.

The live daphnia is tiny size species. You can capture a large amount of Daphnia in just a few light scoops.
You can directly put them in the fish tank, and guppies immediately detect them and attack them to eat as much as possible. Guppies enjoy eating live food, so that Daphnia would be one of the tasty treats for them.
Is dried daphnia good for guppies?
Yes. Most of the fish keeper uses the dried daphnia as they last longer. You can feed the guppies two or three times a week and offer them require nutrition.
Dried daphnia can be stored for few months, where the live daphnia may not survive for months.
Also, the live daphnia needs maintenance and regular feeding. It would be difficult for your to prevent them from getting eaten or die if the water condition changes.
Hence, it would be best if you prefer using the dried daphnia for your guppies.
How often should I feed my daphnia to guppies?
Adult guppies need food twice a day. Therefore, at least one meal per day of live food should be a part of their diet. However, unlike other fish that eats the food multiple time a day, the guppies can survive on other things such as algae, plants, etc.
You can feed the daphnia two to three times a week. However, try to avoid feeding the daphnia daily as it may have negative health effects on the health of the guppies.
How much daphnia should I feed guppies?
Guppies eat everything they find in the tank and fulfill their regular food requirements. Therefore, fish keepers generally overfeed the guppies.
Therefore, you should moderate the amount of food given to the fish and avoid feeding them beyond their requirement.
Adult guppies can be fed two or three times a day, and newborn fry can eat 4 to 8 times a day in small portions if you feed your guppies Daphnia and have one portion of the food dedicated to the daphnia.
One scoop would contain a good amount of daphnia because of its tiny size. Then, put the live daphnia directly into the tank.
Do I need to turn off the air pump when I feed daphnia to guppies?
Yes. Depending on the power of your air pump, you can decide between turning the pump off or keep it on. The pump may trap the tiny daphnia in the filter while cleaning the water.
Daphnia will die inside the pump, and the guppies will not get a chance to eat them.
On the other hand, the force of the water pump sucks the daphnia in and gets caught within. As a result, there will be less amount of food for the guppies available in the tank.
As a precaution, you can turn off the air pump for few hours. Then, once the guppies are done eating, you can turn the pump on again.
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