Are tiger barbs okay to put with my Betta?

It’s not a good idea to keep tiger barbs with betta fish.

Are tiger barbs okay to put with my Betta? No. Even if the water parameters of these two types of fish are similar, they are incompatible due to their aggressive nature. Most likely, tiger barbs will nip at the fins of your Betta, which may expose them to diseases or infections. 

Are tiger barbs okay to put with my Betta?

Moreover, if you put tiger barbs into a 10-gallon tank with Betta’s, an overstocking problem is likely to occur.

It would be best if you didn’t always rely upon the information an aquarium store provides. It would be best if you researched each species in order to determine whether any behavioral issues or problems are keeping them with other varieties of fish. 

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How many tiger barbs can you keep with your Betta?

Tiger barbs pose a greater threat to bettas and tetras. According to some resources, tiger barbs pick on themselves and won’t bother bettas if you have a group of them. 

I have read sources that say that tiger barbs can bite or kill other tankmates. You can keep Betta fish with the following kinds of fish in community tanks:

  1. Kuhli Loaches
  2. BristlenosePlecos
  3. Corydoras Catfish
  4.  Ember Tetras
  5.  Neon Tetras
  6. Clown Plecos
  7. Harlequin Rasboras
  8. White Cloud Mountain Minnows

As I said before, male bettas shouldn’t be kept with other tiger barb species. The following types of fish are suitable for tiger barbs:

  1. Cherry Barb
  2. Rosy Barb
  3. Black Ruby Barb
  4. Plecos
  5. Corydoras Catfish
  6. Zebra Danios
  7. Clown Loach
  8. Pictus Catfish
  9.  Swordtails
  10. Tetras
  11.  Platies
  12.  Mollies

You shouldn’t keep a tiger barb with betta fish, guppies, goldfish, or angelfish.

Can tiger barbs eat betta food?

Yes. You can feed the same fish foods to tiger barbs and bettas. The tiger barb eats a wide variety of fish items, like flakes, frozen, live, and dried-freeze foods.

They will also take vegetables. Because tiger barbs accept almost any food, a variety of different foods should be offered to ensure their immune system stays strong. 

You can provide flake food such as brine shrimp, bloodworms, and beef hearts, as well as live and frozen foods. The larvae readily consume aquatic invertebrates, including cooked veggies. 

What size tank is best for tiger barbs okay to put with my Betta?

A tiger barb species is another commonly kept freshwater tank fish easily recognized by its orange body and black markings. The fish grow 2.5 to 3 inches long, and they prefer sandy bottoms with well-planted aquariums. The fish are lively and require a lot of swimming space, so groups of six or seven should be kept. 

What size tank is best for keeping tiger barbs with a betta?

Tiger barbs are aggressive towards each other, but they will also hunt other fish and nibble at their fins. It may be possible to moderate their aggressive behavior by placing them in a large aquarium.

A minimum of 30 gallons of water with a pH-value of 6.5 and temperature of 72 – 78 °F should be in their tank. Ten dGH hardness is recommended.

While Bettas can live up to three years and grow up to three inches in length, their preferred water temperature range is 75–86 °F, pH ranges from 6.8 to 7.4, and hardness around 20 dGH.

Many people keep betta fish in small aquariums, but it is not advised since small aquariums require so much maintenance that it’s hard to maintain water quality.

It is not recommended to keep tiger barbs with betta fish. Despite their somewhat similar water parameters, their aggressive natures make them incompatible mates. A 10-gallon aquarium with betta fish already in it will overflow with tiger barbs added to it.

What to do if your Betta is chasing tiger barbs?

These may seem like “enrichment items,” but they can be stressful for betta fish and shouldn’t be included in aquariums. Bettas can cause injuries by attacking objects or reflections in mirrors.

What to do if your Betta is chasing tiger barbs?

So, here are some tips to prevent your Betta when chasing tiger barbs in the aquarium:

1. Separate the fish by using a net

2. Rearrange the decorations in your aquarium

3. Create new hiding places for your aquatic pets

4. Separate all passive fish

5. Separate the bully from each other

6. Get a larger aquarium

7. Substitute a different aquarium for the aggressive fish

8. Group aggressive fish into small groups within the same species

You should only have one male fish per tank if you want to prevent your fish from fighting. If you keep your bettas in separate tanks, make sure there is a visual barrier between them, preventing the fish from seeing each other. 

Visual barriers can be created with aquarium backgrounds or cardboard. If you have mirrors in your aquarium, or if mirrors are located nearby, you should remove them. Bettas can be aggressive toward their reflection. 

What temperature do betta and tiger barbs fish need?

Tiger barbs are reported to live in turbid or clear shallow waters in mildly flowing streams. These fish inhabit tropical climates like Indonesia and Borneo and prefer tropical climates, and having water pH levels between 6.0 and 8.0.

Water hardness between 5-19 dGH, and water temperatures between 77 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit or 25 to 27.8 degrees Celsius.

Betta’s should be kept at a temperature of between 75 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. The Betta can die in cold water since their immune systems will weaken, making them more vulnerable to disease. 

They will likely grow old faster if the water is hotter since it will increase their metabolism. A heater should be used to maintain the temperature.

Can Betta fish kill tiger barbs?

Each fish has their own characteristics. Bettas are calm and passive fish, but their nickname ‘Siamese Fight Fish’ is not without reason.

Most of the time, Betta fish attack and harm fish that resemble them in any way, e.g., colorful, large, brightly colored fish and have bright fins. 

It is rare for Tiger barbs to kill outright. The aggressive nature of these fish may, however, result in death for tankmates.

Furthermore, tiger barbs should not be kept with freshwater bettas and angelfish, or any fish with a long fin like that.

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